Expert assistance

Our people are the cornerstone of our business. Proud and passionate, they demonstrate ownership in everything they do. Every day, they make the difference.

The satisfaction of our clients is determined by the performance of our people. Not only at sea but also onshore. For planning, legal affairs, safety, maintenance and more, we rely on subject matter experts who provide professional assistance and dependable onshore support, ensuring compliance, safety and excellent service and company standards.

Smit Lamnalco offers a wide range of onshore careers in various professions, including SHEQ, HR, Maintenance, Legal, Finance, Crewing and Operations. Our onshore staff actively supports the contract managers on site, offers expert assistance on all aspects of the operation and adds value to our services.

Common denominator

Our onshore support functions can be found everywhere. On the client’s premises, in our regional offices in Australia, the Middle East, Nigeria, and Africa, at our HQ in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) as well as at our crewing centre in Singapore. No matter where we operate, all our people have the same focus. The common denominator of our onshore support staff is expertise, cooperation and client satisfaction.

Promoting an active transfer policy, we unlock the full potential of all our employees, at all levels in all environments. With growth, diversity and clear company values embedded in our business approach, we have just what it takes to be an attractive global employer and an excellent marine service provider.

  • 18 years old and impatient for adventure, I embarked on a challenging journey with Smit Lamnalco. Working in all corners of the world, along the way I found my calling in SHEQ. Ambitious to get deeper involved, at 30, I can’t wait to turn to the next page and continue my adventure.

    Mikheil Tsintsadze
    Regional SHEQ Manager Europe

  • I’ve come a long way. Only eight years ago, I was sailing a tugboat up and down the river Clyde, and today I travel the world as a well-experienced contract manager and all-round mariner. It has been a wonderful and challenging experience to get this far and I’m eager as ever to seize new opportunities. Bring it on!’

    David Ferrier
    Contract Manager

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